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25 night illumination spots of Autumn leaves in Kyoto 2023


#7 Hogoin temple 宝厳院

The schedule of 2023

  • Dates: 11/11~  12/3
  • Open hours 17:30~20:30 (Be there by 20:00)
  • Entrance fee: 600 JPY


Hogonin temple is a sub-temple of Tenryuji temple. In Meiji period, a company bought it and Tenryuji temple bought it recently. It is well preserved and has a beautiful garden. It is not open to public usually.

The night illumination of Hogonin



The maple trees in garden bloom in many colors. Especially, red is my favorite. It is so warm like the leaves of Tenjuan temple.

How to get to Hogonin temple?

From JR Saga Arashiyama station and Hankyu Arashiyama station: About 10 minutes.

From Randen Arashiyama station: About 5 minutes.


#8 Yasaka shrine 八坂神社

The schedule of 2023

  • Dates: Every single night
  • Open hours 24h
  • Entrance fee: FREE

Konkai Komyoji provides us with “Premium visit plan.” Check the official site (Japanese only),


The night illumination of Yasaka shrine

八坂神社の紅葉 2016 午前中八坂神社の紅葉 2016 午前中八坂神社の紅葉 2016 午前中

Yasaka shrine opens 24 hours a day. At night, lampposts are lit. It is located in famous Gion district.

宵宮祭/Yaaska shrine at dusk

In front of the main hall, there is building named Buden(舞殿). It has many paper lanterns hanging on the roof.

Yasaka shrine in Kyoto; the best guide on the planet!
The best guide of Yasaka shrine in kyoto; Annual events, Deities enshrined, Gion matsuri, and so on.

About Yaska shrine

  • Name: Yasaka jinjya  八坂神社
  • Address: Gion Kitagawa 625, Higashiyama ward, Kyoto city, 606-0073
  • Phone no. 075-561-6155
  • FAX no.  075-531-1126
  • Website Yasaka shrine offcial site
  • Open hours: 24h
  • (Syamusyo opens around 9:00〜16:00)
  • Entance fee: free
  • English brochure: not available

How to get to Yasaka shrine?

The nearest bus stop is Gion bus stop but we don’t get off at the bus stop in this season. We use the following railway stations and bus stop.

From Keihan Shijo Kawaramachi and Hankyu Kawaramachi station, and Shijo Kawaramachi station: About 10 minutes walk.


#9 Korinin temple 興臨院

The schedule of 2023

Not yet announced


Korinin is a sub-temple of Daitokuji temple. It is not open to public usually. Fortunately, it is open to us in fall.It is cozy, quiet, and the most underrated place to admire autumn leaves in Kyoto. I cannot tell you whether night illumination is held or not because the temple doesn’t officially made announcement yet.

いちきしま ひめ
いちきしま ひめ

The best place in Kyoto~

The night illumination of Korinin temple



Korin in has a Zen garden. We seldom see Zen garden illuminated. Zen garden is filled with white pebbles to reflect the sun light to make rooms facing it brightened. At Korinin, the Zen garden is dimly illuminated and brighten as though it was covered with snow.

In the back yard is also magnificent. There are trees in yellow, vermilion, and purple. They seem as if they grew into bloom in front of us.

About Korin-in

  • Official name: Kohrin-in 興臨院
  • Address: 80 Murasakino Daitokuji cho, Kita ward, Kyoto city 603-8231
  • Phone no. 075-491-7636
  • Official Website : Not available. You can have info. on Kohrinin at Kyoto shyunju website.
  • Open schedule in spring : 2018 March 17? June 10 (Except March 20 and 21)
  • Open hours : 10:00~ 4:30
  • Entrance admission fee :Adult 600yen, High school student and Junior high school student 400yen, Primary school children 300yen
  • Time requried 1 hour~

How to get to Korinin temple?

From Daitokuji mae bus stop, 5 minutes walk.

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