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Gion matsuri festival in Kyoto 2024 Comprehensive guide: Mikoshis, Yamahoko floats, and Yoiyamas!!! 祇園祭2024英語で説明


Breaking 2022



EXCLUSIVE!!! Takayama came back to Yamahoko Parade for the 1st time in 196 years!!!

We can enjoy ALL OF THEM for the 1st time in 3 years.


In addition to them, Takayama is to come back to the parade for the 1st time in 196 years!!! Welcome baaaaahck!!!!!Check the link below.

TAKAYAMA COME BACK SPECIAL 2022 in Gion Matsuri!!! 祇園祭鷹山英語で説明
Takayamma is one of the long-lost Yamahoko floats in Gion matsuri. In 2022, it will come back to the parade for the first time in 196 years.

This Darticle is the most precise guide on Gion matsuri festival in Kyoto; its schedule, history, the reason why it is celebrated,  the routes of Yamahoko parade, Yoiyama, souvenirs, and other must-sees.

 いちきしま ひめ
 いちきしま ひめ

In 2019, we commemorated the new Imperial era and

the 1150th anniversarry of Gion matsuri!

We had many events we didn’t have in any other year!

On June 23, Yasaka shrine and Yamahoko Rengo Kai (Yamahoko float association) held a press conference prior to Gion Matsuri 2022 and a chief priest of Yasaka Shrine pointed out:

  1. Yasaka shrine emphasizes the authentic aim of Gion Matsuri: To get rid of epidemics.
  2. The Deities visit on Mikoshis and stay at Otabisho .
  3. In 2022, the doors of the main hall was opened at a ritual for the fist time in 60 years. At the rituals held in Gion Matsuri, the doors will be opened up for us.
  4. At Sakimatsuri Yoiyama (7/15) and Yoiyoiyama(7/16), around 600 food, game, and souvenir stands will be available.
  5. Takayama is to come back to Yamahoko Parade for the first time in 196 years.

1 The authentic aim Gion Matsuri

In 869, Gion Matsuri started as Goryoe for the purpose of getting rid of Ekijin. People believed that Ekijin is a deity who causes epidemics and natural disasters.

These years, the word “Gion  Matsuri” often reminds people, especially tourists, of Yamahok Parade. Only the denizens and Gion Matsuri-enthusiasts know the aim though the peculiar thing to Gion Matsuri is to get rid of epidemics.

いちきしま ひめ
いちきしま ひめ

Check out the link below.

Why is Gion Matsuri celebrated? 祇園祭の意味を英語で説明
Gion matsuri has changed in many ways but its aim reminds the same for 1150 years. In this article, you can learn the exact reason why Gion matsuri is celebrated.

In addition to it, the priest referred to the meaning of water as purifier in Shinto. In Shinto, we believe water is purifier because deities purify themselves in Japanese mythology. Under the main hall of Yasaka shrine, there is a well capped with a plaster rid.

It is possible to think that Yasaka shrine puryfies Kyoto through ground water. In ancient times, Shoshoi Mikoshi used to rest over a well of Shosoi Otabisho for the same effect.

2 Deities and Mikoshis

In Gion Matsuri, we invite the Deities of Ysaka shrine to the downtown to get rid of the cause of epidemics. This is the most important thing.

The last two years, they visit there on the Himorogis on the horse back. (Himorogi is a plant where deities descend to) Himorogi is an abbreviated way. This year they are visit us in the authentic way.

3 The doors opened up to us

The main hall is a place for deities, not for us. The doors are always closed even in rituals because the main hall is a sacred place. This year, to get rid of the epidemics, they will be open.

4 Yoiyamas

Yoiyama is a night on the eve of the Deities’ visit. It is one of the most exciting moments of Gion Matsuri. The last two years, it was canceled or abbreviated. In 2022, we can enjoy it as usual year.

5 Takayama comeback special 2022

Takayama is one of the long-lost Yamahoko floats. In 1826, Takayama paraded in a typhoon and wrecked. Two years later, a huge fire burned it out except Goshintai figurines and other parts. In 2022, a brand-new Takayama joins to the parade.

TAKAYAMA COME BACK SPECIAL 2022 in Gion Matsuri!!! 祇園祭鷹山英語で説明
Takayamma is one of the long-lost Yamahoko floats in Gion matsuri. In 2022, it will come back to the parade for the first time in 196 years.



Today, Gion Mtsuri 2022 was completed. I extend my deepest gratitude and respect for every single person engaged in the festival and all the reades. 合掌




The souvenirs of Takayama are available.



7/15 Yoi Yoi Yama 宵々山

Yoi Miya Sai宵宮祭


Now the Deities are on Mikoshis and ready for outing.

Yoi Yoi Yama 宵々山




Yoiyama area is so crowded as usual year.


Tomorrow, オニのようにCROWDED.

There were a few Food stands.

7/14 Yoi Yoi Yoi Yama 宵々々山


Breaking report, 合掌

  • NO traffic regulations are in effect but lots of police officer are there.
  • We cannot stay around Naginata Hoko, and Kanko Hoko.
  • At 19:00, Chimaki of Naginata Hoko  are sold out.
  • We can get 4 Goshuin stamps at Kanko Hoko.
  • At Yamabushi Yama Kaisho, we can admire brad-new Mizuhikis (somthing like carpets decolate floats.) . Buy something at Yamabushiyama to see them.  Usual year, we exercise Chinowakuguri but it’s not available this year due to COVID-19. 3 types of Goshuin stamps are available.
  • Ofune Hoko Kaisho is open in Sakimatsuri. Goshuin stamps and souvenirs are available. This year, Ofune Hoko parades with a golden dragon. It makes Ryuto Gekishu with Fune Hoko.
  • At Toroyama Kaisyo, most of all T-shrits are sold out.
  • It takes about 90 minutes to see all of Yamahoko floats except Hosho Yama. It will take much more time on 15th and 16th.
  • In Yoiyama, it’s hot because there are lots of people around us. Take water or smth when feeling thirsty.


Make sure what Ryuto Gekishu boats are.



Typical Sakimatsuri bleu. We cannot expect this in Atomatsuri.


Shijo street is not crowede as expected.


So is Yoiyama area.



Kanko Hoko has 4 types Goshiin stamps. 1 and 2 is available any other years except ”令和四年.” ”令和四年” is our Imperial year. Get both of them at a Tent located east to Kanko Hoko. 3 is available at the one to located west to it. 4 is available at the one to located west to it. Each one of them is 300 JPY.


4 is peculiar. Soラブリー( Rabu Ry, lovely)


Breaking 2021


Breaking 2020




  • 真弓常忠(2000)『祇園信仰』朱鷺書房
  • 林淳・小池淳一編(2002)『陰陽道の講義』嵯峨野書院
  • 真弓常忠/編(2002)『祇園信仰事典』戎光祥出版
  • 川嶋 將生(2010)『祇園祭 祝祭の都』 吉川弘文館
  • 武智功(2012)『記・紀にみる 日本の神々と祭祀』奈良新聞社
  • 北村優季(2012)『平安京の災害史ー都市の危機と再生』 吉川弘文館
  • 下間正隆(2014)『イラスト祇園祭』京都新聞出版センター
  • 本多健一(2015)『京都の神社と祭』 中央公論社
  • 脇田晴子(2016)『中世京都と祇園祭ー疫神と都市の生活』吉川弘文館
  • 公益財団法人祇園祭山鉾連合会(2018)『放鷹ー祇園祭 鷹山 復興のための基本設計』公益財団法人鷹山保存会
  • 納屋嘉人(2020) 『祇園祭 温故知新ー神輿と山鉾を支える人と技』淡交社


  • 『月間京都』2016年7月号


  • 八坂神社 暦神祇園暦
  • 祇園祭パンフレット