January 睦月
1st Okera sai 白朮祭

Okera Mairi/ Okerabi 2024 at Yasaka Jinja Shrine in Kyoto: 八坂神社おけら/をけら詣り英語で説明
On December 31st and January 1st, people have Okerabi at Yasaka shrine. Let us learn its history and the way to enjoy them!
1st Hatsumode 初詣

Hatsumode in Kyoto 2025: Yasaka shrine provides you with extreme blessings!
Yasaka shrine Hatsumode 2025 guide: Let us make Hatsumode (初詣) to Yasaka shrine (八坂神社) which which gives you an extraordinary blessings to you.
4th Kemari Hajime 蹴鞠初め

Kemari Hajime 2023 at Shimogamo shrine 下鴨神社蹴鞠はじめ英語で説明
Kemari dedication takes place at Shimogamo shrine on January. Kemari is a traditional Japanese foot ball game. Let us learn what Kemari is on video and text: its history, how to play it, and so on. Kemari Hajime is canceled 2021 due to COVID-19.
7th Hakuba souran Shinji 白馬奏覧神事

Aouma/Hakuba Soran Shinji 2025 at Kamigomo shrine/ 上賀茂神社白馬奏覧神事英語で説明
Hakuba Soran Shinji is a Shinto ritual held at Kamigamo Jinja shrine in Kyoto on January 7th. In the ritual, we see Shinme horse and eat Nanakusagayu. In this article, you see the best way to enjoy them!
10th Ebessan えべっさん/10日戎

Gion Ebessan/Ebisu Fesitival 2025 at Yasaka shrine in Kyoto: 祇園えべっさん英語で説明
In 2025, Gion Ebessan/Ebisu festival takes place at Yasaka shrine. With lots of photos and video, you can learn about the festival like Ebessan boat and Seven Deities/Gods of fortune, etc.
Kyoto in snow
February 如月
3th Setsubun Dainano-gi 大難の儀

Setsubun 2025: Dinanogi at Heian Jigu shrine 大難の儀と節分英語で説明
Dainanogi is a Setsubun ritual presented at Heian Jingu shrine in the same form as it was took place in Heian period. In that period, people believed the ending of each season caused evil spirit which brought them illness and misfortune.
11th Kigensai 紀元祭

Kigen Sai 2025: Kashihara Jingu celebrates the birth of Japan 橿原神宮の紀元祭英語で説明
Kigensai festival (紀元祭) is a ritual to celebrate the birth of Japan. According to Nihon Shoki,『日本書記』Emperor Jinmu (神武天皇) became the 1st emperor of Japan in 660 B.C. at a place known as Kashihara Jingu shrine today. In this article, you can learn about how Japan started and Kigensai.

Kigensai festival 2025 at Kamigamo Jijna shrine 上賀茂神社の紀元祭英語で説明
"Kigensai" is a ritual to cerebrate the foundation of Japan. On January 1, 2025 D.C., Japan has 2,685 years of history. In the Japanese Imperial year, this year is "Koki 2684."
March 弥生
3rd Hinamatsuri ひな祭り

Hinamatsuri in Kyoto 2025: Dolls and their history
Hinamatsuri is one of "Gosseku," the annual events, and held on March 3rd in Japan. Each family displays "Hina Nigyo", Hinamtsuri dolls with flowers for the purpose of praying for prosperous and healthy life for their daughters.
2nd week Higashiyama Hanatoro 東山花灯路

Higashiyama Hanatoro ended in 2022.

Higashiyama Hanatoro ENDS in 2022: 東山花灯路英語で解説
Higashiyama Hanatoro is expected to end in 2022. Enjoy the last one we had in the absolute guide of Higashiyama Hanatoro held in Kyoto every spring.
Cherry blossoms 桜

Cherry blossom night illumination in Kyoto 2024 : 20 sites of Sakura
The moat recommended 20 sites to admire night illumination of cherry blossom or Yozakura in Kyoto 2024.

Breaking report on Kawazu Zakura, the earliest bloom Sakura in Kyoto 3/2/2025: Tiny Buds 河津桜開花状況英語で説明
The report of 2025 on Kawazu Zakura, the earliest bloom Sakura in Kyoto. We can find some of them in Ichijo Modori bashi bridge, Toji, Unryuin, and Philosopher's path.They go into full bloom around mid-March.

Omuro Zakura in Ninnaji temple and its forecast 2024: Migoro on 4/13 御室桜英語で説明
Generally speaking, Omuro Zakura of Ninnaji is the last-blooming Sakura in Kyoto. It is in full-bloom in mid-April usually. You can learn about the Sakura and the way to enjoy it in this article.

Kitanozakura 2024: The last blooming Sakura in Kyoto MISSING 北野桜英語で説明
Kitanozakura is the last-blooming Sakura in Kyoto. It is only found in Kitano Tenmangu shrine. Usually, it starts to bloom around April 15 and is in full bloom in around 20th.

Sakkura/Cherry blossom
「Sakkura/Cherry blossom」の記事一覧です。
April 卯月
9th Kamo-kyokusuinoen 賀茂曲水の宴

Kamo Kyokusui/Gokusui no En 2024 at Kamigamo 賀茂曲水の宴英語で説明
Kamo Kyokusui no En is a party in which poets compose poem in an extraordinary beautiful music. It started as a ritual of the Imperial court. Let us learn about it.
May 皐月
3rd Yabusame shinji 流鏑馬神事
4th Saioudai Gyokei 斎王代御禊

Saiohdai Gyokei no Gi 2024 at Shimogamo shrine: The most famous ritual prior to Aoi matsuri festival in Kyoto
Saiohdai Gyokei no Gi 2024 is one of the most important rituals held prior to Aoi matsuri festival. In this article, we learn about Gyokei no Gi in historical point of view and who is Saioh/Saiohdai.
12th Mikage Matsuri 御蔭祭

Mikage matsuri 2023: The most important ritual prior to Aoi matsuri festival
Mikage matsuri is a ritual held prior to Aoi Matsuri The most important ritual is Miare shinji held on the 12th May at Mikage shrine. On the very day, the Deity of Shimogamo shrine is born there.
15th Aoi Matsuri 葵祭

Aoi Matsuri festival in Kyoto 2025: 葵祭英語で説明
In 2025, Aoi Matsuri festival take place for the 1 st time in 4 years!!! In this article, with many photos and videos, you can see the way to enjoy it: Its history, ceremonies with it, the famous parade.
Ao Momiji

Current situation of Aomomiji/ Fresh Green Maple in Kyoto: July, 2022
Aomomji means "Fresh Green maple leave(s)" in Japanese. In this post, I'll show you the current situation about them in Kyoto, 2022. 合掌

The top 7 spots for Japanese Green Maples in Kyoto!
Japanese Green Maple in KyotoWhat is Japanese Green Maple?These days, we hear of Japanese Green Maple as long as the Aut...
June 水無月
31st Nagoshino-harae 夏越の祓

"Chinowa kuguri" at Yasaka shrine 2024 茅の輪くぐり英語で説明
Chinowa is a big wreath. A story about Somin Shorai says that the Deity save us from malady with it. We always find it in June and July but we also find it in March to prepare for coronavirus.
July 文月
Gion matsuri 祇園祭

Gion Matsuri Festival
Articles on the reason why Gion Matusri is cerebrated, Mikoshi, Yamahoko Parade, Schedule, and others
August 葉月
Mid-August Kyo-no Tanabata 京の七夕

Kyo no Tanabata / Star festival in Kyoto 2024 京の七夕英語で説明
In early August, star festivals are held in many places in Kyoto. Let us learn what Tanabata is and Kyono Tanabata festival sites.
Mid-August Senniti mairi 千日詣り
When we visit Kiyomizu-dera temple, the visit could be worth 1,000 times visits.
16th Bonfire 五山送り火

Gozan Okuribi and Obon 2024 in Kyoto 五山送り火英語で説明
In Obon, we wave our good-bye to the deceased ancestors with Gozan Okuribi. In this article, I'll show you what is Gozan Okuribi, Obon, and their history.
October 神無月
Early-October Moon viewing
We cerebrate a good harvest and enjoy adore the full moon.
22nd Jidai Matsuri festival 時代祭

Jidai matsuri festival 2024: Gyoretsu parade and schedule 時代祭英語で説明
Jidai matsuri festival takes place in 2024. In this post, I'll show you the various historical figures in the parade.
November 霜月
Autumn leaves 紅葉

Eikando, Zenrinji in Kyoto: The best autumn leaves and night illumination 2024
Eikando/Zenrinji is the best autumn leaves and night illumination spot in Kyotoin 2024. The way to enjoy them, open hours, entrance fee, access are also available!

Autumn Leaves
The articles on Autumn leaves in Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples.
December 師走
Arashiyama Hanatoro

Arashiyama Hanatoro ended in 2021.

Arashiyama Hanatoro 2020 in Kyoto: The night illumination is alive though COVID-19
Arashiyama Hanatoro is held in Arashiyama district in mid-November. We can enjoy lots of night illumination and other events. This article shows you the best way to enjoy them.
31st Okeramairi 朮詣り

Okera Mairi/ Okerabi 2024 at Yasaka Jinja Shrine in Kyoto: 八坂神社おけら/をけら詣り英語で説明
On December 31st and January 1st, people have Okerabi at Yasaka shrine. Let us learn its history and the way to enjoy them!