- In this post, we see forecasts of autumn leaves in the center of Kyoto, Takao, Ohara, and the suburb area.
- The following are the best time of each area; Ohara and Takao: Mid-November, Most of the center of the Kyoto and its suburb area: Mid-November to late-November, and other places: Early-December.
- It is impossible to predict the exact days to admire autumn leaves because they turn their colors depending on natural phenomena like weather, temperature, and so on.

This article is for your reference. We cannot foresee the best time to admire autumn leaves exactly. We are not responsible any disadvantage you have.

Migoro is time to enjoy/admire something.

Breaking report 2025 最新情報
This season, we can find some leaves in January. I guess we can say the season is over and I stop revising this post today,

I thank for reading this post. The revision of this post will be started in October 2025. Ume, Kawzu Zakura would bloom in February, later than expected. I hope you enjoy them. 合掌
Still alive in some places.
Breaking report 2024 最新情報
At Yasaka shrine, we can enjoy them with Okera Toro lantern. I guess we could enjoy them in Hatsumode.

Hatsumode? Yasaka shrine is the best. It used to enshrine a deity of snake. Eto of 2025 is Snake.

Tadashu no Mori of Shimogamo shrine is still in Migoro.
The leaves are still in pale red.
At Philosopher’s path, some leaves are left.
At Eikando, we still can enjoy the ones.
At Nanzenji, the autumn leaves of the year is over.
Behind the gate, we can enjoy the carpet of the fallen leaves.
At Shinyodo, we also can enjoy the ones near the gate.
At Yasaka shrine, we can enjoy the crimson leaves with a booth of the lanterns of Okera Mairi.
At last, Shimogamo shrine is in Migoro.
Around the pond located near the former Jinguji temple, the leaves are so exquisite.
The gingko leaves have just fallen off at Kawai shrine.
Kenninji temple is also in Migoro as expected.
We can enjoy the crimson leaves out there.

In 2024, we might enjoy the autumn leaves by the end of the year at Kenminji, Shimogamo shrine. And the night illumination of Heian Jingu shrine is available by 1/13/2025. We could also enjoy the autumn leaves, i guess.
At Nanzenji, we can enjoy the autumn leaves though they are on decline. On the ground, the leaves are covered with frost.
At Eikando, we still can enjoy the amazing leaves.
At Shimogamo shrine, the autumn leaves 2024 has just started. They would be in Migoro in couples of days.
The gingko leaves of Kawai shrine are also in Migoro.

At Jikishian, one of the most underrated places, is in Migoro. Near Ojizosan statues, the leaves are in brilliant crimson thanks to the rain.

The last day to visit the temple.
In other places in the garden, there are many colors.
In Arashiyama and other places in Kyoto, the Migoro would last for a couple of days. In next weekend, Shimogamo shrine and Kenninji temple would be in Migoro.

Korin-in temple, the best place on the planet is in Migoro. Some leaves start falling. HURRY.

The de facto Mizukagami is available.
Eikando is in Migoro though some leaves start falling. Around the gingko tree, the most beautiful place in Eikando, most of the gingko leaves are on the ground and the Kaede leaves are in crimson, vermilion, yellow, and green.

The best moment. HURRY!
Tofukuji is also in Migoro though some leaves fell off.


At Tofukuij, about 60%.
At Toji, about 50%. We can find some Sakura leaves though in December.

Kawazu Zakura leaves, too.
Konkai Komyoji is in Migoro.
Shinnyo do is in Migoro though there are some green leaves left. The leaves near the main hall are in extraordinary crimson.

One of the best places to enjoy autumn leaves in crimson.
In the garden located in the west side of the main hall, the autumn leaves has just started.
At Tofukuij, about 60%.
In the best place in Eikando, some leaves are still in green.
Honen-in is in Migoro. I guess Junichiro Tanizaki (He sleeps in the grave yard of the temple) enjoy them.
At Chishak-in temple, we can enjoy so-called “gradation.”
So far, many places are in Migoro. I suppose the best time admire the autumn leaves in Kyoto 2024 would start in a couple of days.

In next week, I guess these itineraries would work.


The Migoro of 2024 kicked off a last, イヤッホゥゥゥゥ !!!
At Nanzenji, about 70%.
Nothing but Migoro though there are still some green leaves.
Near Hojo facilitiy, the leaves are amazing yellow.

Don’t miss them.
Near the aqueduct, they are in Migoro.
They tell us the Karesansui garden in Tenjuan is in its heyday.
At Philosopher’s path, about 50%.
The leaves in front of the stage of Okunoin are in extraordinary red.
Some leaves are still in green.
Near the exit, amazing.
At Eisetsuin, the tree near the entrance is in Migoro.
At Shinnyodo temple, about 50% of the leaves are in red. They would be in Migoro in a week.
Unfortunately, some leaves fell off though they are in green.
Near the Sanmon gate of Konakaikomyoji, they are amazing red as expected. They also would be in Migoro in a week.
At Tenjuan, Karasansui the garden is in Migoro at last.
At Rurikoin, about 20 % of the leaves are in red. And at Nanzenji and Eikando, about 40 %. About 2 weeks later than usual.

As though they grew up into red leaves.
At Nanzenji, about a half of the leaves are in red.
Near Suirokaku, only a few leaves are in red.
At Eikando, about a half of the leaves are in red.
On 11/22, the visitors didn’t wait in line.

So far, about 2 weeks later than usual.

This year, I found some leaves fell off though they were in green.
At Tenjuan temple, the Karasansui garden is on the verge of Migoro. The leaves of it seem more exquisite than those of 2023 and would be in Migoro in couples of days. The autumn leaves season of 2024 has kicked off.

About a week later than expected.
I suppose we have many tourists in next weekend. At Nanzejj, Eikando, and Rurikoin temple, most of the leaves are still in green.
Tenjuan seems nothing’s has changed.
At Eikando temple, about 30%.
The leaves of Higashiyama mountains are still in green.

About a week later.
At Tenjuan temple, some leaves in the Karesansui and a stroll garden are in red.
In other places, The season of 2024 has just started. At Shinyodo temple and Konkaikomyoji temple, only a few leaves are in red.
The gate of Tenjuan temple.
Inside of it, some leaves of the Karesansui garden are in red.
In the garden, we can admire beautiful Tsuwabukis.

At Nanzenji, the autumn leaves have just started.
At Shinyodo, too.
The ones of Eisetsu-in are in progress.
Around Sanmon gate of Konkai Komyoji, we can find some leaves are in red.
Near the Afro Buddha, we can admire Fudan Zakura (Sakura blooms in fall and spring).
Shinnyodo is located on the top of a small mountain. I expected to find some red leaves in vain.
I found a ticked booth for the autumn leaves season 2024. The leaves near the blue square are still in green.

They are in red in early November usually.
The leaves of Nanzenji are still in green.
The leaves of Tenjuan are also still in green.

They are in Migoro on 11/10 or later usually. I guess Migoro would come about a week later.
At Nanzenji temple. Around 00:45, we can find Tenjuan. So far, about a week later than expected.

Now the autumn leaves season of 2024 is coming and I start updating this post. I’ll add latest information as far as possible by December. 合掌
So far, Tenjuan tells us the Migoro of 2024 would come about 1 week later than expected.

Migoro is the best time to admire something.

This is, オメ, the photo taken on 10/15/2024.
Eikando has still lots of green leaves.
Some leaves are tuned into red and fell off.
So far, the Migoro would come about 1 week later than usual but we cannot foresee exactly.

When Migoro comes? Check this out!

Breaking report 2023
We can still enjoy the autumn leaves though we are in winter. It’s usual in Shimoagmo shrine but we find them in other places this year.

I stop the revision of this post today. Next time is to be October in 2024. I thank you many people for reading this post. 合掌
Still available in Shimogamo shrine.
In Yasaka shrine, the autumn leaves are still alive around Ebessan and other places.
The ones in Shomogamo shrine are on decline.
The ginkgo leaves have just fallen off in Kawai shrine, the sub-shrine of Shimogamo shrine.
The ones in Shinnyodo are over.
At the entrance of Eikando, there are beautiful leaves though the garden is on decline.
Yasaka shrine is in Migoro in December as expected.
Shimogamo shrnie, too.
At Shinyogo, the tree near the gate and the ones in the east garden is in Migoro.

Korin-in temple, the best place in the world, is in MIGORO!!!
The leaves in Shimogamo shrine are still in green.
In Kyoto Imperial palace, we can enjoy one of the most exquisite leaves.
And we also can enjoy Fudan Zakuras. They are in bloom in fall and spring.
At Kanin no Miya Tei Ato, there are brilliant colors.
The ones in Yasaka shrine are in Migoro.
In front of Ohta sha, there are extraordinary leaves.
We can find some green leaves there.
Maruyama park is in Migoro.
Chion-in, too.
Nanzenji temple, extravaganza.
Eikando, too.

This year, the leaves are small and weak but the colors are brilliant.
Shinnyodo is in Migoro.
In front of the Sanmon Gate of Konaki Komyoji, we can enjoy the brilliant colors.
Philosopher’s path, terrific.
Kitano tenmangu is in Migoro but the leaves are not brilliant as expected.

The Migoro of Rurikoin kicks off. We can admire the leaves in green, yellow, and red. The best time to enjoy will arrive about a week later.

At Kiyomizudera, about 40%

Later than expected. I guess some places would be in Migoro in next weekend.
Esetsuin temple is in Migoro.
At Shinnyodo, the leaves near the pagoda are extraordinary though they are not in Migoro.
At Ginkakuji temple, some ones are in Migoro.
The ones of Honen-in temple are about 10%.
We can find beautiful mosses there.

Junichro Tanizaki’s grave is there.
In Philosopher’s path, enjoy the Japanese camellias and the autumn leaves.

At Reikanji temple( in Japanese) (located near the path) is famous for camellias.
And the other leaves look like this.
The ones Eikando temple are about 40%.
And Nanzenji, too.
I guess the Karesansui garden is still in Migoro.
At Konkai Komyoji, some are in Migoro.

The garden of it is TERRIFIC, Don’t miss it.
At Konkai Komyoji, about about 40%.
We can enjoy Macha at a teahouse for 700 JPY.
The Karesansui garden of Tenjuan is in Migoro.
The leaves are in red but some are still in green, and some fall off.

So far, not so good. Usually, they are in red at the same time.
The right side of the garden are amazing though the leaves are weak.
Most of the leaves in Philosopher’s path are still in green.
The ones in Shinodo, too.
At Konkai Komyoji, Fudan Zakuras are in bloom.
Eisetsuin is so good.

I guess the Migoro of Kyoto arrives around 11/23.
Due to a ceremony, Tenjuan was not open to us today but the leaves near the gate tells the Karesansui garden is in Migoro.
At Nanzenji, the leaves look same as one week ago.
And at Eikando, too.
In Yase, the fall has just started.
The leaves of Rurikoin seem to be in about 10%.
The bridge near Yase Hieizanguchi sta. is still missing. Make sure the detour route.

In the red circle, you’ll find Kan Zakuras (Sakura bloom in fall).
The Karesansui garden of Tenjuan would be in Migoro in next week end.
and inside. As you see, The view from outside tells how the garden is.
The leaves in the stroll garden just started to turn their colors.
The leaves in Nanzenji.
As far as I know, the autumn leaves of this year is weak ( this expression is acceptable in Japanese. I mean the leaves are small and they seem lifeless. ) and color is not so good. We say this situation is “regrettable” in Japanese.

I think we can find beautiful ones in Eikando, Korinin (in Japanese), and Kajuji though the ones in other places are regrettable.
Mt. Arashiyama is in Migoro but the shrines and temples in Arashiyama region is not.
The leaves in Gioji temple is in beautiful yellow. Nisonin temple, Jojakoji temple and other places are in about 20% bloom.
At Eikando, 20%. The exhibition of Fusumaes (Painted sliding door) of Hasewaga Tohaku starts. If you’d like to see them, avoid high season (Mid Nov.~).
At Tenjuan, the western part of the Karesnsui garden would be in Migoro in this week-end.
At Kiyomizudera, 20%.
Anyway, the view of the Garan (a complex of Buddhist temple) is extraordinary.
The Zen (Karesansui) garden of Tenjuan temple is on the verge of Migoro. So far, a couple of weeks earlier than expected.
Kinwunkei valley in Kiyomizudera remains the same as 2 weeks ago.
The leaves in Fushimi Inari just start to change their colors.
The leaves at Kifune shrine are still in green.
The photo of 2022. Nearly the same.
Kurama is ijn the same way.
Around Yuki shrine. Just beggning.

Himatsuri in Kurama takes place today.

ぎゃあああああああカメムシ(A stink bug. Green one.) is on my faceうううううううう!!!!!
Autumn leaves season in Kyoto is begging and I start revising of this post. Enjoy the forecasts and the breaking reports for 2 month. 合掌
The view from the stage of Kiyomizudera temple. Some leaves are in red. We call this (autumn leaves are) ちらほら(Chira Hora).
The view of the main hall. We also can find red leaves.
At the gate of the Tenjuan temple. There are red leaves.
On the other hand, we can still enjoy so-called Aomomiji though, it is next door to Tenjuan.

So far, the current situation of autumn leaves 2023 is almost the same as that of the last year.

In 2022, Tenjuan is in the best time to admire autumn leaves on 10/10 and other places are on 10/20.
Migoro, 見頃, the best time to admire autumn leaves
What does the word Migoro mean?
Migoro means the best time to admire something in Japanese. Of course we have Migoro of autumn leaves. Take a look at the picture above. It shows us nothing but Migoro. The maple leaves are in full bloom. Absolutely the best time. However, the best time to admire autumn leaves is not the time we can see them in full bloom.
Do you think it is the best time to adore the autumn leaves in the photo? We think it is the perfect time though some of the leaves are on the ground. Actually, it is a magnificent opportunity we have only one time a decade: The vermilion leaves are in full bloom and the yellow ginkgo and red maple leaves are so fresh and brilliant in colors because they has just fallen on the ground.
In addition to it, this also is Migoro though most of all leaves are gone because we can praise the leaves on the ground.
As we see, “the best time” to admire autumn leaves means rather a long period of time. In fact, “the best time” lasts nearly for a week usually.
It is a peculiar thing on Migoro of autumn leaves. For example, the Migoro of Sakura is a time it is in full bloom and it lasts only for a couple of days.
The following is a summary of Migoro of Autumn leaves spots of Kyoto. It is made on my experiences for couples of years. As I described at the beginning, it is not possible to foresee Migoro. This is just for your reference.
Rural mountain area | |
Kifune area | Mid-November |
Rengeji temple | |
Ohara area | Mid-November |
Jissoin temle | Mid-November |
Rurikoin temple | Mid-November |
Takao area | Mid-November |
Rakuto area | |
Eikando temple | Late-November |
Tenjuan temple | Mid-November |
Shisendo temple | Late-November |
Philosophor’s path | Late-November |
Ginkakuji temple | Late-November |
Enkoji temple | Late-November |
Konpukuji temple | Late-November |
Sekizan Zenin | Late-November |
Konkaikomyoji temple | Late-November |
Rakunan area | |
Tofukuji temple | Late-November |
Komyoin temple | Late-November |
Sennyji temple | Late-November |
Toji temple | Late-November |
Byodoin temple | Late Nov to early-Dec |
Late | |
Kamigamo shrine | Late Nov to early-Dec |
Korinin temple | Late Nov to early-Dec |
Ryoanji temple | Late Nov to early-Dec |
Kinkakuji temple | Mid to late-November |
Ninnnaji temple | Mid to late-November |
Kitanotenmangu shrine | Late Nov to early-Dec |
Arashiyama area | Mid to late-November |
Jikishian temple | Mid to late-November |
Higashiyama area | |
Yasaka shrine | Early-Decmber |
Kenninji temple | Early-Decmber |
Kiyomizudera temple | Late-November |
Kodaiji temple | Late-November |
Syorenin temple | Late-November |
Migoro comes from north
Geographical reason
Kyoto is in basin. In the northern mountain areas, like Ohara and Takao (the brown area in the map), maple leaves start to turn their colors. Sometimes, the brown area grows into the green area, including the vermilion area (Arashiyama) and blue areas (Kinkakuji and Higashiyama area).
The best time:
- The brown area・・・・・Early to mid-November
- The other area (the center of Kyoto)・・・・Mid-November to early December.
About the center of Kyoto
In the center of Kyoto, Autumn leaves bloom doesn’t depend on geographical factor. I have no idea what the reason is they are in Migoro in these ways.
- Mid November・・・Tenjuan temple, Nanzenji temple, Shinnyodo temple, etc.
- Late November・・・Ryoanji temple, Korinin temple, Komyoin temple, etc.
- Early December・・・Yasaka shrine, Kenninji temple, etc.
How do maple leaves go into autumn leaves?
When Sakura season is over in early April, maple tree has tiny flowers.
Aoi matsuri festival is on in May, the flowers are off.
In June, we are in the best season for “Ao Momiji (Green maple leaves).”
Around September, some of the trees has red leaves.
In November, we have Migoro.
Top 10 places

Kiyomizudera, Ginkakuji, Eikando, Rurikoin, and Hogonin are in Migoro. HURRY!!!
Takao area, the Zengarden of Tenjuan, and Shinyodo is in Migoro. Other places are about 40%.
Some leaves are in Migoro but the others are about 20%. I suppose Migoro of Kyoto will arrive around 11/20.

We can’t guarantee the EXACT DATE.
Now Tenjuan temple is in Migoro. Earlier than expected.
At Eikando temple, some leaves start to change their colors.
We can find red leaves there.
The leaves of Tenjuan temple gave me the green light to enter.
At the Zen garden, the leaves are on the verge of Migoro (best time to admire) . I suppose they are in Migoro in the next weekend.

Some leaves near the pond are extraordinary!
At Eikando temple, some leaves changes their colors.
The leaves of Tenjuan are in vermilion as though we were in late October.

This photo is taken on 10/24/2021

Take a look at the first photo. The leaves changes their colors gradually. In the end, all of them are in red, yellow, and other brilliant colors. Then they scatter. In the second photo, there are lots of red leaves on the ground.

Take a look at the branches in the red circle. Some leaves changes their color and they fall off of the branches though other leaves are still in green. This year, we can find such branches anywhere.
We can find vermilion leaves in Kinkakuji temple.
Some leaves are gone. The migoro of 2022 would come earlier than expected.
Kiyomizudera is like this. In many places, we find maple leaves in such color.
Tenjuan. As though we found ourselves in October.
Tenjuan has two gardens and there are some “autumn leaves” there.

It’s so weird. We still are in the Aomomiji season.
The maple leaves of Tenjuan are changing the color like this. We can find “autumn leaves” in many places in Kyoto this year.
Usually, we find such leaves in early October,